Sunday, May 17, 2009

Tanpopo and beer

A beer at Tanpopo

I was not ready for an adventure yesterday when I happened into Tanpopo in San Francisco for a dish of ramen noodles. My son and daughter-in-law love the place, so after a long day spent at a crowded museum, I set my world right with an ice cold Sapporo and some quite time with my family. The meal was perfect. I made a mess with my noodles, but I’m so used to it that it did not bother me. My 14-year-old son was mortified, but everything I do embarrasses him, so I did not really care.

I mentioned the word adventure for a reason. I write about the things I do and the people I meet here on my blog. It is one of the favorite parts of my blogging addiction. I get a lot of feedback from people who ask me how I manage to have so many of this little adventures. I want to share something that happened, or actually, something that did not happen, so that those of you who are curious will better understand.

Midway through our meal an apparently infirm old man entered the restaurant asking to use the phone to call his grandson. The staff was reluctant, the old man was persistent. They offered directions to a pay phone instead. I watched the situation closely while reaching for my cell phone. I was not about to let an old man wonder off to find a pay phone. At that moment my wife nudged me and said, “Help him, he needs to make a call.” I knew the nudge was coming, it always comes. And there it is. I help people because I want to help and I am not afraid to act. And, I help people because I know my wife would want me to help, and I want my wife to respect me. I have adventures because I watch people and offer to help those who are in need if I am able. I do it all the time. Sometimes it backfires and I get cussed out, but sometimes it works, and I get a story to tell.

This time, the old man made his own way. His grandson was at the bar already and too deeply involved with the beautiful Japanese girl sitting next to him to notice his grandfather. It was a touching reunion, full of Sapporo and hugs. My beer was good too, but not as good as my noodles.