Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A moment of blind panic

I'm on the road for work. I've spent so many nights in hotels that I rarely have a problem sleeping. True to form, last night, I fell asleep early and slept deeply. At around 2:00 am a loud noise startled me from my sleep. I woke up confused and disoriented. I sat up in my bed in the dark and looked around the room in a panic. I did not know where I was. A movement caught eye, I reacted in typical fight or flight mode. I yelled, jumped up out of the bed and rushed what I thought was an intruder. The sound I made as I hit the wall and full length mirror was enough to wake the dead. The mirror broke, I fell to the floor seeing stars, and my right elbow hurt like hell. It was about then that I realized I was in a hotel.

A few minutes later there was people pounding at my door. My next door neighbor had called the front desk. The staff had arrived in full force. They all had a good laugh at my expense. I did not have to pay for the mirror. I'm such an idiot.

I was wondering if anyone else experiences the same kind of travel disorientation? I sure hope so...
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